Some guys will try to get away with anything and everything they possibly can.  They don't listen to you.  They don't hold the door open for you.  They verbally abuse you.  They expect you to "go Dutch" on a date.  They check out other girls when they are with you.  And on and on.  I deserve better, and so do you.  You deserve someone who treats you like the rare, precious treasure that you are.  It's tough out there.  I know.  I remember well.  You have to deal with a lot of frogs before your prince meets you.  Notice I didn't say you have to date a lot of frogs. 

After I changed my portait, the number of men who expressed interest in me plummeted!  And of those who wrote to me, I only agreed to go out with a small percentage.  I didn't care.  I didn't join because I wanted a date.  I am a very sexy girl.  Men ask me out all the time.  No.  I was on to find Mr. Right.  If my phone wasn't ringing off the hook with offers for dates, well that suited me just fine.  I had my eyes on the prize.  I wanted to marry someone who loves and respects me.  Someone who truly listens to me.  Someone who is my friend and lover.  Let me tell you that I found him on  It happened to me, and it can happen to you too.

So how did I first connect with my wonderful husband?  I winked at him and he went to my portrait.  He was impressed with how well-written it was, thought my photos were cute, and decided to write to me.  How do I know?  I asked him about it when I was writing this book.  By the way, I started writing this book after we had been together for six months (long before we were even engaged).  I was that sure that he is the one.

I have to tell you something.  When we were taking a trip down memory lane together, I was happy to learn that although he had written to me with his phone number, I did not call him (Chapter 17).  I simply wrote back with my phone number and waited to hear from him.  I am also happy to report that when he called me for the first time, I was busy (Chapter 19).  I was having Sunday brunch with my girlfriend Antonia.  Don't worry,  I called him back after brunch!  We had a great talk, but I kept it brief (Chapter 31).

The point is if you want to meet someone special, you've got to get out there.  Whether you've tried the internet or not, I highly recommend it.  It can and does work.  It worked for me, and it can work for you.

Jacqueline Hopkins

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